A pass for public school moms

As soon as the snow days come the memes come and then the shaming. These awful moms can’t even stand to be stuck home with their kids for a few days. This is not a helpful attitude. Its not them versus us. We are not superior because we volunteer to stay home with our children everyday.

There I said it. It is not a humble position to criticize moms for having a hard time. Most of them are used to things being a certain way. Having kids home unexpectedly throws a monkey wrench in all of that. As a homeschool mom I can honestly say sometimes I get tired of being stuck at home too. And stuck they are.

We have had less than average snow in the state of PA this winter. But since all our activities started back up in January after the holidays we have had 4 straight weeks where at least one of our activities has been cancelled. One week they all were cancelled and then we got sick on top of that and missed church. I literally did not leave the house for a week. I accepted it and considered becoming a hermit. But I dont leave the house for my own sake most days.

I have 5 outgoing energetic children. This hasnt even been the kind of snow they can play in for very long. It turns to ice then mush then mud. I’ve already given up on the mud. Anyway I’ve come to the point where I dislike snow days just as much any other parent. I just want to get the school work done and then go to music lessons or bible study or co-op or whatever else we might have for the day. I think its safe to say that cabin fever is setting in and it doesnt care where the kids go to school at.

I’m still waiting for that perfect snow day though. The one where all the kids gather at the neighborhood sledding spot and I actually have supplies for hot chocolate to prepare for them. Oh and we knew where all the boots and gloves were without fighting. I will have to keep dreaming on that one.

One thought on “A pass for public school moms

  1. We are all stuck inside here because it has been raining literally for 5 days straight. It’s raining as I’m writing this. Longing for those days of being able to go outside for recess! We call it break time.


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