
14 days is an insanely long incubation period.

My family has had multiple illnesses since Christmas, likely the flu, strep, the stomach bug, and most recently a fever, sore throat cough thing that probably is not Covid-19. I noticed something about myself during this time. I am usually the last person in my family to get sick. Having 5 kids, this means an illness can last a few weeks in our house. The entire time they are sick, I am feeling rundown like maybe I’m coming down with something too. I thought at first it was just because I am caring for sick and needy little people. Recently I have come to realize that this is more an anxiety, I am concerned and anticipating being sick, so I start to feel the symptoms, long before the actual infection comes.

Now we are in a period of waiting. Corona virus cases are rising rapidly in our state, and even our county. Was I exposed. Am I just sitting around waiting to get sick? Allergy season is upon us. Is that sniffle and sore throat from pollen? Am I getting the cold my kids had which was still a bad cough even if its not corona?

I’m forced to think about what I can do in this waiting time. I can love on my family and make them feel safe and secure. Make meals, and clean up. Play games and sing songs. I’m tempted to be checking the news constantly, Vigilance is good, but to the point where it adds to the anxiety it is time to step away.

Most importantly, take time for your soul. Read the Bible, pray, create a playlist for your mind of scriptures that keep you grounded.

“Cast your cares on the Lord, he will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22

I want to record for myself some of the trials and triumphs of the social isolation life:

Yesterday I went to make some chicken for dinner. I was a big pack of chicken and would have fed us for 2 or 3 meals. The sell by date was March 26th. I opened it up and it smelled awful. So my husband took it back. I wasn’t thrilled about one of us having to take another trip into public, but I had him make good use of it, and pick up a few more things, so that we can avoid going again for awhile. Aldi had no sugar the last time we went, last night they still did not have any. They did not have any fresh chicken to replace the pack we returned. They did not have any hand or bar soap (Im not sure if they carry bar soap normally) My husband quickly stopped off at another store for soap and was successful in finding bars, still no liquid hand soap.

Dinner last night was Grilled chicken drumsticks, Roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts.


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